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Aqara Touchscreen Dial V1


Temperature and Humidity Sensing Control 

The build-in temperature and humidity sensor monitors conditions in real time, syncing with Aqara immediate data display and enabling advance automation possibilities. 

Temperature and humidity can also serve as IF conditions for triggering automation.


Customizable Display For Enhanced Visual Experience 

Customizable Screensaver showtime, date, weather and indoor conditions with personalized themes. Compatible devices feature an intuitive interface with clear visual cues for easy control and precise user feedback. 

Proximity activation distance can be set within five different setting from near to far

( 0.2-0.6-1.0 meter - 1.5-2.0 meter )


Seamlessly Manage Multiple Devices and Create Customized Scenes for Automation.

The default configuration include 2 build-in and 6 wireless mode switches, 1.32” round touchscreen, enabling centralized control of smart Aqara devices. With options to adjust parameters like light colours, curtains and thermostat setting, beyond simple on/off.

Automation Activation based on Proximity 

Proximity Screen Activation uses a build-in sensor for user-friendly activation and serve as as IF trigger for automation, with adjustable activation distance for customized smart home setups. 

Proximity activation distance can be set within five different setting from near to far

( 0.2-0.6-1.0 meter - 1.5-2.0 meter )


Smart Home Automation

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